Benefits and Indications of ElectroAcupuncture
E-Stimulation of acupuncture points has been used in Chinese hospitals since the 1950’s. Only in the last decade has E-stim been taught and offered in the United States, yet still not widely integrated in the majority of private acupuncture practices.
Adding e-stimulation to selective acupuncture points activates both your sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers which release endogenous opioids such as endorphins which help reduce inflammation and pain.
ElectroAcupuncture is safe and especially effective in pain management and physical rehabilitation as non-pharmacological pain management. ElectroAcupuncture is also effective in the treatment of chronic anxiety, depression and insomnia and fertility.
E-Stimulation has demonstrated a strong tissue-building response with a 500% increase of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) and the production and migration of amino acids into the treated areas resulting in increased protein synthesis and tissue repair at the treatment site. ATP is an energy-carrying molecule known as “the energy currency of life” because it’s the universal energy source for all living cells. Every living organism consists of cells that rely on ATP for their energy needs.
Adding electrical stimulation reduces the number of acupuncture treatments needed to resolve difficult and recalcitrant conditions.
Indications for E-Stimulation:
Frozen Shoulder
Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Rheumatoid Arthritis Joint Pain
Sciatica, Disc Narrowing & Degenerative Disease & Herniations
Hip Pain & Groin Strain
Plantar Fasciitis & Calf pain
Scar Tissue
Infertility, Ovarian Reserve & IVF transfers
Acoustic Neuroma
Herpes Zoster
Jaw Clenching
Dental pain
Dupuytren’s Contracture
Depression / Anxiety / Insomnia
Selma Rondon uses the only FDA approved electrical stimulation machines made by Pantheon.
Pantheon devices are widely used in the military, university clinics and in scientific research studies.