Drinking coffee activates Nrf2.
Coffee, the blacker the better, and especially without sugar or artificial creamers.
What’s Nrf2?
Nrfs repairs cellular damage.
Nrf2 is one of the most powerful proteins that is present within each cell but needs to be activated in order to release and signal the important production of antioxidant enzymes that repair and neutralize free radicals.
This dedicate balance between cellular damage, repair, and rejuvenation is essential to repairing our bodies especially as we age. This cellular damage is often referred to as oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is associated and contributes to the progression of hundreds of disease and aging symptoms, including the development of several cancers.
Coffee is one of the most powerful Nrf2 activators. Several of the molecules present in raw coffee beans as well as the ones activated during process of roasting, are responsible for this powerful ability to repair cellular damage.
Now, no more guilt trips for being totally useless without your morning java. Enjoy that first or third cup knowing you’re activating your body’s own self-defense mechanism, triggering Nrf2 active role in the cell nucleus; producing one of the most potent antioxidants glutathione.
Glutathione (gloota -thigh-own) is one of the body’s most important antioxidants because it’s produced in the cell. Several of the many therapeutic benefits of glutathione include proper immune function, T-cell production, protection from every day environmental toxins, and helps fight cancer by programming cell death by apoptosis.
Additional benefits of coffee noted below:
• Lowers risk of type 2 diabetes by lowering insulin resistance
• Helps burn fat-caffeine helps the body’s ability to burn fat via lipolysis. Additionally, caffeine increases fat burning by utilizing glycogen storage., the primary reasons why caffeine is often added to weight loss drugs and supplements
• Reduces risk of cancers especially liver, prostate, endometrial, colorectal and basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of skin cancer
• Reduces non-alcoholics fatty liver disease and cirrhosis of the liver
• Reduces the risk of Parkinson’s by increasing dopamine levels which controls the way our brain influences movement
• Increases cognitive function, making us smarter. High levels of dopamine are associated with increased attention, mood, memory, problem solving, energy, and motivation
• Increases endorphins, releasing B-endorphins; much like the high one feels after exercising
• Provides mega-doses of antioxidants, as well as Vitamin B2, B3, and B5, manganese, magnesium and potassium
• Boosts athletic performance by activating the motor cortex, the part of our brains that signals muscle activation and releases adrenaline signals for a fight or flight response increasing physical performance and endurance
• Coffee grounds are great for your soil. An excellent source for composting and adding nitrogen to your plants; as either leftover diluted coffee or coffee grounds
If you add sweeteners to your brew, aim to get the maximum therapeutic benefits of coffee by slowly weaning your taste buds off of all sweeteners. Each week slowly add less and less sugar, slowly desensitizing your taste buds.
If you’re unable to tolerate coffee, it’s caffeine content is what prompts one or several of the side effects below:
• Stomach discomfort especially if you’re sensitive to stomach acid
• Increase nervousness & irritability
• Increased heart rate
• Insomnia or disrupted sleep - often dependent on how late you consume it
• Tremors