Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) are now considered a worldwide health concern. Since the 1970’s in the US alone, the availability and absorption of iodine has declined by 50%.
Iodine is critical for the synthesis and production of thyroid hormones which regulate the metabolic pattern of all cells that have DNA.The thyroid gland contains the highest concentration of iodine followed by breast tissue. Iodine is also concentrated in the brain, ovaries, prostate, testes, salivary glands, cerebrospinal fluid and areas of the eyes.
The synthesis of thyroid hormones and all other hormones and protects against the formation of goiters, thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer.
In pregnancy iodine is required for brain and cognitive development in babies. A 2012 CDC study, concluded women of childbearing age exhibited the lowest urinary iodine levels of any age group. Severe iodine deficiency in pregnancy has been associated with miscarriages, preterm delivery, still birth, problems with growth, hearing and speech and risk for impaired cognitive development in babies. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized that the #1 reason for mental retardation is the absence of iodine in the diet. Dr. George Flechas one of the top researchers on iodine, made the bold statement that fetus given just 12.5 mg of iodine during pregnancy will increase a child’s IQ by 20 to 30% above that of their parents! In one Germany study, babies born to women taking prenatal vitamins with iodine had higher IQ and is now required in all prenatal vitamins. Taking iodine during pregnancy also decreases the likelihood of ADHD disorders.
In breast tissue - Fibrocystic breast disease affects at least 50% of women. In therapeutic dosages iodine resolves fibrocystic breast disease and prevents breast, uterine and ovarian cancers as well as assist in resolving ovarian and PCOS cysts. Additional studies have also concluded iodine deficiency may play a causative role in the development of breast cancer. Dr. George Flechas, has declared that breast cancer is an absence of iodine. Studies have concluded that molecular iodine has potent inhibitory effects on cell growth in both breast cancer and fibrocystic breast disease, modulating estrogen metabolism, resulting in normalization of breast tissue.
In prostate tissue, iodine is required by the testes, where it concentrates and helps maintain healthy glandular tissue. In Japanese men the prostate cancer rate is 12.6 men for every 100,000. In the US, the ratio is 124.8 per 100,000 men. In addition to preventing prostate cancer, iodine can be utilized to address BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Iodine supplementation prevents and can be utilized as an adjunct modality in cancers of the stomach, esophagus and pancreatic. Iodine is needed in the production of hydrochloric acid and lower levels of hydrochloric acid have been implicated in the development of these cancers.
Iodine induces apoptosis, eliminating pre-cancerous and virus-infected cells. Apoptosis maintains the balance of cells in the human body and is particularly important for the immune system.
As a potent antioxidant, iodine binds and detoxifies mercury, chloride, bromine, fluoride and other heavy metals and other contaminates in our environment.
Adequate levels help produce adequate hydrochloric acid in the stomach necessary for proper digestion, supports healthy salivary glands and gastric mucosa.
Adequate iodine levels increases sensitivity of hormone receptors. Insulin receptors normalized after adequate intake of supplemental iodine.
Japan Has the Lowest Rates of Cancer In the World
Despite two nuclear attacks, Japanese women have the lowest rates of breast cancer and men have the lowest rates of prostate cancers in the world. In Japan, the average daily intake of iodine is 13.8 miligrams a day; primarily due to the inclusion of seaweeds in their diet as well as seafood
Possible Signs and Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency
• Fatigue generally due to hypothyroidism, Hashimoto Disease
• Thyroid nodules, enlarged neck- Adam’s apple should be visible, a double chin
• Fibrocystic breast, breast calcifications, PMS painful breast, breast cancer
• Uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, PCOS
• Prostate issues, Peyronie’s Disease
• Any hyperplasia, parotid duct stones, keloids, sebaceous cysts, lymphedema
• Dry eyes, dry skin or dry mouth; iodine is required to produce tears, sweat and saliva
• Fibromyalgia. Adequate iodine is stored in our muscles, a deficit of iodine can trigger the disease in susceptible individuals
• Lack of sweating in hot weather or with strenuous exercise
• Upper and lower eyelids swollen, puffy faces, peach fuss on face and lymphedema
• Overproduction of mucus; iodine liquifies mucus plugs in asthmatics
• Cancers of the stomach, pancreas, thyroid, prostate, breast, ovary and uterine; all of which required iodine for optimal health. 30% of iodine sits in our fat cells.
There were two major shifts in the US that are responsible for our iodine deficiency. The 1st major shift was the removal of iodine as a dough softener for bread in the 1970’s. Iodine was then replaced by bromine; a halogen. Prior to 70’s a single slice of bread contained 150 mcg of iodine. The 2nd major shift was the addition of bromine not only to bread but as flame retardants in everyday household goods.
A major threat to iodine absorption is the exposure of halogens in our daily lives. Halogens are a family of non-metal elements on the periodic table that share similar chemical properties. The four halogens are iodine, bromine, chlorine and fluorine (think fluoride). As a result of their chemical similarities and their everyday presence, halogens will tend to block iodine receptors in our bodies from absorbing iodine. Iodine is the only non-toxic halogen that is required for human health.
Bromine is used as a fire retardant in our sofas, mattresses, clothes, drapes, carpets, pillows, car seats, water purifier and as a dough softener. In soft drinks, brominated vegetable oils can be found in Gatorade, 7 -UP and Mountain Dew. Excess amounts of bromine have been implicated with schizophrenic- type mental health disorders. Fluorine is found in drinking water, air conditioning and refrigeration, nonstick coatings such as Teflon and in dental treatments. Chlorine is another common environmental contaminant found in fertilizers, cleaning products, insecticides, pharmaceuticals, plastics and is used in water purification. We are literally being poisoned on a daily basis with the toxicity of these halogens.
If our bodies don’t get enough iodine from our diets, your body will uptake all of these other halogens, creating and contributing to an iodine deficiency.
Worth seeing is the HBO documentary Toxic Hot Seat. The film documents the introduction of bromine in furniture as flame retardants with the increase in cancer deaths among firefighters. These same flame retardants accumulate and have been detected in breast milk. Flame retardants are still used in mattresses babies sleep on.
Declining Sources of Iodine Intake
Iodine is primarily found in the soil and the waters of costal areas, seafood and seaweed. The foods highest is iodine are all types of seaweeds followed by shrimp, tuna, cod. Iodine is added to milk but the amounts can vary greatly based on the iodine content in the cattle feed. Other food source of iodine are eggs and yogurt. Plant based foods contain lower amounts of iodine than seafood or animal proteins, so vegans and vegetarians tend to more deficient in iodine.
Table Salt
Its’ assumed table salt and sea salt contains iodine, yet less than half of those tested contained iodine sufficient enough for optimal glandular health. Kosher, sea and Himalayan salts contain no iodine. Check labels to ensure the salt you’re using is iodized. Salt used in cooking loses up to 62% of its iodine content, so wait and add iodized salt just as you’re about to eat.
Foods that interfere with iodine uptake are called goitrogens. Soy is one food as are the family of cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, boy choy, kale, kohlrabi, radishes, turnips and cauliflower. When consumed raw, all are known to block iodine. Cooking, steaming or fermenting these foods will breakdown the iodine blocking glucosinolates.
Testing for Iodine Deficiency - Iodine Loading Urine Test
Dr. Guy Abraham a professor of obstetrics, gynecology, endocrinology and prominent iodine researcher developed an accurate test for diagnosing iodine deficiency. Ingestion of 50 mg of iodine in tablet form is then followed by a 24 urine excretion test. With sufficient iodine levels, an individual will excrete 90% of the 50 mg of ingested iodine. With a marked deficiency little to no iodine will be present in the urine test. How much is absorbed determines dosages.
Hakala Labs does iodine testing:
“Iodine Painting"
While not as accurate as the iodine loading test, the iodine skin patch test serves as a “visual” assessment on how fast your body absorbs it. Using tincture of iodine ( the orange variety), brush on a 2” x 2” square to the inside of your forearm, thigh, breast or abdomen. I usually suggest painting on 2 coats. Let dry completely, as iodine can strain. The faster the yellow-orange stain fades and is absorbed by the skin, the more iodine deficient a person is. For those who are not deficient, that patch will not fade sooner than 24 hours. While this test is not super accurate, it certainly provides some insight and it’s quick and inexpensive.
How Much Iodine to Take ?
In 1920’s, 26% to 70% of the children of the Great Lakes, Appalachians and Northwestern regions of the US had developed goiters. That geographic area is now referred to as the “goiter belt”. It was development of those goiters in children that lead to iodizing salt. The Recommenced Dietary Allowance (RDA) of iodine was set at 150-290 micrograms, a dosage deemed sufficient enough to prevent goiter growth. Yet today the RDA of 150 mcg does not take into account the increased halogens in our environment.
In pregnancy, Dr. Flechas recommends 12.5 mg, reflecting the amounts consumed by Japanese women during pregnancy and deemed safe. For breast tissue, 30 mg is recommended to reverse and address breast disease. Larger doses are required with larger breasts and breast cancers. Dosages closer to the Japanese diet are recommended for daily supplementation and prevention of cancers noted above.
There are two forms of iodine: Iodine is utilized and concentrated in the stomach, breast, prostate and testes and Iodide which is utilized and concentrated in the thyroid, ovaries and breast tissue. When supplementing with iodine, make sure both are present. Iodine increase mental alertness, so a morning dose is preferable to avoid mental stimulation in the evenings.
If unsure of indications or dosages, work with an iodine educated health care practitioner