Leaky gut is a digestive disorder that is the underlying cause of many of the common chronic everyday health issues that ail us all. Intestinal hyperpermeability is the medical term for leaky gut; and the mucosal walls of the small intestine is where the majority of the damage takes place.
90% of digestion and absorption happens in the small intestine, the other 10% takes place in the stomach and large intestine. The small intestine is actually not so small; it’s as wide as our middle finger and eventually grows to three times the height of an adult or child. In contrast the large intestine is only 5 feet in an adult.
The walls of small intestine are made up of millions and millions of cells that create layers and layers of a mucosal lining which is intended to be semipermeable enough to allow for the absorption and distribution of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to seep into the blood stream to be delivered and deposited to every cell of every organ.
When leaky gut develops, the mucosal lining becomes overly porous allowing not only nutrients but various types of toxins, bacteria, fungi, viruses and other large undigested protein molecules into the bloodstream activating a cascade of inflammatory responses. This translocation of both dietary antigens and bacterial and fungal microbial to the periphery, interacts with cells of the immune system triggering an immune response.
The most common diseases that occur in the small intestine itself includes small intestine bleeding, Crohn’s and Celiac disease, intestinal cancer, obstruction and blockage of the colon, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcer, pain and SIBO - Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth.
80% of our immune system is located and influenced by the health of our gut. Dr. Alessio Fasano, a Harvard researcher has proven that leaky gut is the precursor for developing autoimmune diseases as well a host of the most common everyday health conditions:
• Asthma, environmental allergies and food intolerances
• Skin rashes such as eczema, hives, dermatitis, psoriasis, scleroderma, and rosacea
• B-12 and other minerals deficiencies
• Autoimmune diseases
• Headaches, brain fog, mood imbalances
• Joint and collagen problems, chronic and rheumatoid arthritis
• Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia
• Depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, autism spectrum, schizophrenia and other
neurological diseases
• IBS, Crohn’s disease, Colitis, Celiac, Lupus, MS
• Chronic bloating, gas and pain, constipation, diarrhea, candida overgrowth, SIBO
• Multiple chemical sensitivities
• Compromised liver function
5 most common drugs that cause leaky gut:
• Antibiotics - kill both good and bad gut bacteria, disrupting its ecology and microbiome
• NSAIDS - are an irritant, stripping away the gut lining and can cause bleeding and
candida overgrowth
• Birth Control Pill - excess estrogen increase candida overgrowth, a common cause of
leaky gut
• Steroids- suppress your immune system leaving you prone to infections
• Acid-Reducing Drugs - these drugs suppress gastric acid. Higher rates of C. Diff infections have been noted with low stomach acid
• Anti-acids: Nexium, Prevacid, Priolosec
• Chemotherapy
The most commons conditions that contribute to intestinal hyperpermeability:
• Low stomach acid production
• Gluten intolerance
• Radiation to the abdomen area, burns
• Complicated surgeries
• Infections of the GI tract - salmonella, E. coli, giardiasis, H. Pylori
• Highly processed diet
• Excessive alcohol
• NASAID, all processed foods, gluten, alcohol, excessive sweets, baked goods, fried foods and refined cooking oils; e.g. canola and soybean oils. Harsh household chemicals and cosmetics.
• Replace starchy, sugary carbs with complex carbohydrates found in vegetables, whole grains, fruits and legumes. Use digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid and bile acids to aid proper digestion. Switch to non-toxic household cleaners and cosmetics. Add healthy fats: grass-fed butter, animals fats, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oils, raw nuts and seeds. Replace medications when possible with herbs and natural anti-inflammatories. Use natural cleaning products and cosmetics.
Reinoculate - reintroduce high quality probiotic with 100 billion CPU’s initially and then 50 billion CPU for maintenance.
• Even only one dose of an antibiotic, is enough to generally kill off not only the bad guys but our beneficial bacteria as well. It can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 8 weeks to recover our beneficial bacteria, without using probiotics. After six months, one study found that participants were still missing nine of the most common essential bacteria necessary for gut and immune health.
• Repairing, regenerating and healing the gastrointestinal mucosa lining is paramount to good gut health. L-glutamine has demonstrated to increase mucosal glutathione levels, decrease intestinal injury and hyperpermeability and reverses villous atrophy. This essential amino acid is the dominant ingredient in GI Revive for those needed extra mucosal support.
Healing leaky gut takes time and requires patience and adherence, all in the name of better health outcomes.
You can access my GUT Restorative Protocol through my online dispensary with Wellevate