There are 10 trillion bacterial cells in our gut; composed of at least 500 species. They cover every inch of our skin and are especially popular in our colon. Everything we touch, eat or drink is composed of bacteria. Several pounds of our body weigh is pure bacteria. Gut microbes outnumber human cells by a ratio of ten to one!
The wonder of the human body is home to millions of these microscopic, single-celled organisms. The entire length of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus, is coated with a bacterial, protective layer that serves as a barrier against invaders such as parasites, viruses, fungal infections and other harmful toxins.
There is now substantial research linking the relationship between the proliferation of abnormal gut microbes and human disease.
• brain, mood and neurological disorders - autism, ADHD, dementia, seizures, dyslexia, Alzheimers, schizophrenia, Parkinson disease, depression, anxiety, stroke
• allergies, asthma
• cancers of the colon, prostate, stomach, breast
• autoimmune diseases -multiple sclerosis, IBS, arthritis, ulcerated colitis, Crohns, chronic fatigue
• reproductive issues, infertility, endometriosis
• diabetes and obesity
Understanding how to maintain a healthy microbiome is the key to improving and preventing chronic illness. 85% of our immune function takes place in our gut; as does the production of neurotransmitters that influence our mental and emotional health.
Three Types of Gut Microbes
• Beneficial flora, the most important, most protective and ideally the most prolific, are bacteria found in the small and large intestine.
• Opportunistic flora are numerous in size and at least 500 species have been identified; each species capable of causing multiple health problems. In the healthy gut, their proliferation is toughly controlled by the beneficial flora.
• Transitional flora are a garden variety of microbes we either touch or consume daily with food and drink. With sufficient healthy gut flora, these microbes cause no harm and are well tolerated.
When opportunistic and transitional flora outnumber the beneficial flora a condition known as gut dysbiosis ensues and all hell can break loose.
Causes of Gut Dysbiosis
The science is clear that gut dysbisois is the result of increased intestinal hyper-permeability, also referred to as Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Our intestinal lining has two opposing functions; the absorption of nutrients from food and as a barrier to prevent infectious bacteria, yeast such as candida, viruses, parasites and undigested large food particles, which might contain allergens and toxins from seeping into our bloodstream. Disease occurs when these toxins flood the bloodstream.
Causes of Leaky Gut
• NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin, steroids, broad spectrum antibiotics, vaccines, anti-fungals, anti-acids, oral birth control and other common medications
• gluten found in breakfast cereals, bread, pasta, baked sweets
• excessive alcohol
• sugar, artificial sweeteners, starchy foods, highly process foods
• pesticides, environmental toxins and everyday cosmetics and household cleaners
• chronic stress
The 4 R’s to Heal Dysbiosis and Leaky Gut
Remove all the bad guys: gluten, alcohol, excessive sweets, starchy veggies, baked goods, sugar, NASAID, Remove refined cooking oils; e.g. canola, soybean. Trans and hydrogenated fats found in fried and processed foods.
Replace starchy, sugary carbs from a box with complex carbohydrates found in vegetables, whole fruit and legumes. Use raw honey sparingly. Use digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid and bile acids to aid proper digestion. Switch to non-toxic household cleaners and cosmetics. Add healthy fats: grass-fed butter, animals fats, extra virgin olive oils, raw nuts and seeds. Replace medications where possible with herbs and natural anti-inflammatories.
The bacterial overgrowth needs to be replaced with the beneficial bacteria found in probiotics. For children, my preference is the Biokault originally formulated by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride for treating autism in children. For adults, my preference is: EnteroPro. Add fermented veggies, rich in natural occurring probiotics and sugar free full fat organic yogurt to your daily diet.
Most of the repair required takes place in the small intestine, specifically the duodenum. Following the steps outlined above will start to heal hyper-permeability of the intestinal wall. In my practice, I’ve had great clinical results using GI Revive by Designs for Health. In a few of my patients, their colonoscopy reports actually noted that the Intestinal Mucosa was completely healed after using GI Revive.
To encourage health friendly microbes focus on eating grass fed meats, eggs, butter and free-range chicken and yogurt. The healthy fats found in these foods have strong anti-inflammatory properties and produce enterocytes the build and seal the porous and damaged intestinal lining. We really are what we eat.